New Right Discourse on Race and Sexuality
Anna Marie Smith
Not Available
Masks of Difference
David University of Leeds Richards
Joyce, Race, and Empire
Vincent J University of Southern California Cheng and 1 more
Vincent John Cheng
Women Intellectuals, Modernism, and Difference
Alice University of Southern California Gambrell
Alice Gambrell
Cannibalism and the Colonial World
Francis University of Essex Barker
Nationalism and Cultural Practice in the Postcolonial World
Neil University of Warwick Lazarus
Autobiography and Black Identity Politics
Kenneth University of Tennessee and 1 more
Literature and Race in Los Angeles
Julian University of Oxford Murphet
Literature, Partition and the Nation-State
Joe National University of Ireland and 1 more
Marxism, Modernity and Postcolonial Studies
Crystal Syracuse University and 1 more
Crystal Bartolovich and 1 more